The 2024 Global Managers Survey

In the trenches: What's really going on for managers

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“What I’m seeing in these unprecedented times is that managers are often the first to feel the strain of stress and burnout, juggling demands and pressures from all directions. By equipping our managers with the tools to support their teams effectively, we're not just easing their load; we're creating a ripple effect of wellbeing that benefits everyone.” 

- Simone Carroll, Executive Director, People & Culture, Alinta Energy

Here's what managers are telling us

75 percent say they are experiencing stress and burnout_rounded
say that supporting their team through challenging life issues is a major part of their role_rounded
70 percent say providing emotional support to their team impacts their own stress levels_rounded

“I want to descend the corporate ladder, I think it's better for mental health. Some people want to be managers, but I don't want to be responsible for others. I just want to show up, do my work and do it well, and not be in a state of constant stress all the time." 

- Manager


What your managers need, right now.

If you're a manager (or a manager of managers), and your team need a quick dose of empathy, here are 3 videos you can share.

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